Friday, July 27

the end (no harry potter spoilers here)

i finished book 7 of harry potter today and i feel a bit sad knowing there wont be a next one. i remember when i first heard of harry potter, i had no idea who or what he/it was. they said it was a book about a young boy wizard but then i thought that it was nonesense for adults to take such a fancy for a children's book. then i got to read book 1... from then on, i was hooked.

i guess i cant say im one of the most avid fans since i do tend to forget what happened int he last book while reading the latest one available... and i seem to just remember bits and pieces of the movies... oh, and it takes effort to enumerate all 7 titles in correct order with certainty... but i was a fan, none the less. when im reading one of its books... or watching the movie, i get so involved. its funny. i think its one of the few things that can actually hold my undivided attention for hours on end! hahahaha. case in point: i was reading parts of book 7 here at the office, and literally i wouldnt realize people were talking to me already! not to mention lumampas ako sa bahay ko while reading it on my phone... hahahaha!

today is a sad day for me because there is no book 8 to look forward to. there are the movies, but theyre not quite the same. what's left is to read all 7 books one after the other! i bet it will be one great read again... things will make sense and i guess a different kind of exciting since i know what the end will be.

it was a great adventure.. thanks harry.

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