Thursday, August 31


ive been tamad to blog.. not because nothings been happening or i havent been thinking of anything, but there's just so much going on lately! so im left to reduce everything to a few lines...

my phone got cut... forgot to pay for it.. so to those who texted me this last week and i 'ignored' them, i didnt.. i just couldnt reply. pero okay na. im back in circulation.

tuesday night was a blast!!! perfect timing to unwind and just release some unspent energy and frustration. haha! well... wholesome photos on my multiply site. :p

yes, i watched this toni-sam flick.. and it wasnt half as bad as i expected. of course hindi mawawala ang mga needlessly prolonged scenes.. but it was okay... as in better than some hollywood movies. plus may mga decent quotable quotes... hits the spot.

the past weeks, fridays have been interesting for me. certain people seem to make their presence felt every friday... i find it funny. its a bit exciting i guess. in contrast to my otherwise 'quiet' life. thus the friday flirt was born.
tuesday tease... tuesday night was so much fun.. and well, fun... ill let the photos speak for itself. haha.

Thursday, August 24

broad strokes

been quiet at work. i just sit at my desk and write.

back to attending to some important things that have been done LOOONG ago. hopefully things will start moving towards a good direction from here.

suddenly more aware of a lot of things in the office and the people here. one, things are not what they used to be. and two, they are definitely NOT what they seem on the outside.

Tuesday, August 22

hey pearl!

hey pearl!

i dont know if you got my sms on your birthday.. i wasnt sure which number was the landline and which one was for sms.. so i sent my greeting to both.

i hope you're doing well there.. i havent heard from you in a long time. :p i hope you get to read this.. that should tell me if you read my blog or not. haha.

ao anyway, hugs to vess and chris... hope to see you all soon... tell vess ill have the balut and the pastillas waiting for him. :p

talk to you soon!

Tuesday, August 8

reading and quitting

been reading again...starting with the 'tuesdays with morrie' books. am now on 'morrie in his own words'. read on my way to work so i dont end up feeling anxious in the morning. work has that effect on me these days. so to neutralize my mind, i read :) smart eh?

i wasnt able to include 'cold turkey (1 and 2)' to my list of TV shows in yesterday's post... ive been watching a lot of that too. and im trying to stay on the healthy route of stopping smoking. :p gosh... this will be a challenge..

Monday, August 7

better, best days

feeling much better now. caught a virus by surprise and most of last week was a struggle. but ive managed to 'bounce' back after staying in bed the whole weekend... :p which means i watched a lot of TV.

1. Dance Fever
I never thought Jamie King was attractive. But the more I watch the show, the more amazed I am with how much he knows about dance! I thought he was just this top hip hop choreographer, but he knows his stuff. Me and my waekness for guys who can dance... haha.

2. Queen Rania on Oprah
Caught this episode by chance and Im glad I did. Its nice to know women are continuing to make great marks in history. Her guesting was mostly to dispell misconceptions on Arabs and Royalty. Im probably part of the majority who have this mental image of Arabs and Muslims.. and mind you, she looks nothing like what I had in mind! Plus she is NOTHING like the Royalties of England. She kept saying that she realyl doesnt think of herself as a Queen... she's a woman, a mom, a wife... which is true! She monitors what her son watches on TV, she does homework with her kids, and all those normal people stuff. Except, as Oprah pointed out, she does all of this in a palace. Haha!

On a slightly more superficial note, i really loved her hair on the show... :p

3. Skating with the Stars
I find myself watching more and more reality tv shows --- ANTM, Project Runway, Dance Fever, and now Skating with the Stars. I dont know if my repressed frustrations to be a performance artist are creeping up on me or what, but these are my flavors of the month. :p

So Im glad Im on the road to getting better and better... on more levels than one. Of course I still have my anxieties, most of which are work-related. But im dealing with them well... actually kaya ko deadmahin.

Tuesday, August 1

sent by a friend

Touched by and Angel
by Maya Angelou

we, unaccustomed to courage exiles from delight,
live coiled in shells of lonliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight to liberate us into life

love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure ancient histories of pain
yet if we are bold, love strikes away chains of fear from our souls

we are weaned from our timidity
in the flush of love's light we dare to be brave
and suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be
yet it is only love which sets us free