Sunday, November 5

the hardworking sloth

i LITRALLY spent my weekend in bed... i hardly left my room. but i didnt lounge around... oh no, on the contrary... i was doing hard labor. haha. ive never been in that kind of concentration-ear-mind-hand coordinated in my entire life.

im glad its over. im glad i was able to go through it. it tested my patience... and a bit of my sanity. haha.

on a lighter note, i think ill take a rest from that for a while before doing anything like that again.. IF they still want my help. hahahaha!

so i guess i didnt have a weekend... i had a slightly unpleasant friday night.. but that went fairly well (all things considered)... and an even more physically tiring saturday and sunday. monday tomorrow!

i can wait for friday to come.

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