Tuesday, May 3

what papa thinks

papa has told me over and over again that i have so much drive and determination to prove myself that im almost always in a hurry. in a hurry to get things done and get to where im headed -- mom says its because im the youngest of six kids. who knows why.. i have more important questions to bounce around in my head.

i ask myself... why am i in a hurry in the first place? what's next after ive accomplished everything on my list?

i don't know. and i think my 'impatience' is also because it crushes me to go through stuff the hard way... i hate going through a hard time --- what a brat.

yeah yeah, i know that's what makes experience valuable but you can't blame me for wanting the easier way out. we all probably take that route at some point in life if we had a choice.

NEED TO DO: harness energy and use it to get the right stuff done.

i spend so much of this energy fussing and fussing over the less important stuff. sure, they're important to me, but that's not always a good thing. time to redirect energies!

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