Monday, March 19

few people get me

i think i can name just 3 people who i know REALLY get me. like they can finish my sentences and get what i want to say even if i cant construct a decent sentence to express myself. not just that, they GET me... no judgements, they just get me... like i make sense to them. scary, aint it?

and im ever so blessed and thankful to have them. case in point... was chatting with pearl, and i was suprised at how accurate she can be about me:

"you can be so closed about your emotions sometimes... like you dont want to open up.

You are an open person and all that but there are times when you set up walls or seem indifferent about things that actually mean a lot to you.

Like you are careful.... you are more than meets the eye so i do not push when you do not want to talk or say things and i figure you will say or show how you feel when you feel comfortable or want to get it out..

i think it is bec you feel so bad and you cannot control it after... like a huge melon stuck in your throat. or you trying to stand up when there is river that tries to wash you down."

i love it. thank you pearl. you hit the spot.

you know me too well. hahaha. sabagay 25 years of friendship does that. :p

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