Thursday, August 2

randomness to de-clutter my brain

im taking abreak to unload my brain with some of the unnecessary thoughts bobbing in my head.

- been working hard to get my groove back and i think im getting there. :p
- have to buy joaqui's birthday gift this weekend. will likely be busy next week.
- double time on the family trip options so mommy can decide if we're pushing through or not
- get rid of more clothes in my closet
- how come it doesnt rain when im dressed for rain?
- get more quality sleep... enought late night tv. sleepiness slows me down... i lose momentum.
- need to get my hair cut. i wonder if i should cut it short, color it or just let him take over and do whatever he wants to do with my hair? hahaha.
- i realized i got my temper from my mom and my dad's evasive tactics. bad combo.
- i feel like im losing weight, but the numbers dont show it.
- must get my hands on a copy of The Secret

thats the it!

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