Monday, April 17

9th and 10th

i wasnt able to write yesterday... i think my mind was too tired. haha. i basically spent easter 'mending'... i guess i realize that some fears arent worth fearing afterall. and all i can really say is: thank you so much.


today i spent in LTO. got my students permit. and boy was than an experience. im not going to whine about it, but lets just say i now know why its just so much more easier and worth it to just pay someone just to fast track your life. haha. LTO today, SSS on friday. ha!


started to feel bored today... my original plan to just kick back and bum at home in between gym and driving isnt going to be a good idea for long. but lets see what tomorrow brings me.

my mom has been extra 'needy' lately... i think she really appreciates how much time im spending here at home. well, that was one of the reasons i didnt fill up my days on leave. :)

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