Saturday, November 22

christmas buzzzzzzzzz

a little more than a month left before Christmas and i feel a different kind of buzz. 

im used to the traffic, the crowded malls and the incessant Christmas songs (name almost any song, they'll have a christmas version/mix just for the holidays) in manila.. the usual lights, and decors and all the festivities.

but this year is quite different. :p right before i head home for the holidays, my life will be literally buzzing with work. ive been holding my breath in suspense on whether or not this project will fall through or not simply coz if it does it will mean i will have to fly home for a few days to attend to a major meeting. today i found out its 95% good as a "go".

i will have to admit part of me is happy that i can come home before the holidays. it will be 4 months next friday since i first flew into saigon. its a cute coincidence that i fly itno manila on the 26th and fly back to saigon on the 28th... exactly my 4th month mark of living in saigon. haha. coolness. and im equally happy i get to see jp... of course thats the best bonus of all. but the sad part is, mommy and papa are flying in on the 27th on the cebupac early am flight. i kinda feel guilty that i will not be here to pick them up from the airport and take them around on their first day. our reunion will have to wait until i fly back friday afternoon. *sigh* ill try not to worry too much about that because i have some ideas cooked up for the parents while im away. :p

so its going to be a damn busy december up until the very day i leave for home for the holidays. busy busy busy. really a different kind of christmas rush. :p

here's to surviving 27-ish days. and to a GREAT christmas break up ahead. :)

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